A step-by-step guide to doing a data analysis project


Don’t know where to begin with your data analysis project? Follow this step-by-step guide and start today!

You have grasped basic knowledge of data analysis and tools, and you are having a hard time applying them to real-world problems. A good starting point is to work on projects to showcase your ability and see how much you have learned. Working on projects gives you confidence and inspires you to learn more.

Choose and research your topic

Choosing the right topic for your data analysis project is a crucial step. You need to select a topic that is not only relevant and interesting for you, but also one that has enough data available for analysis.

A good place to start is by asking yourself what type of questions you are interested in answering with the data.

Data analysis projects can be used to answer a variety of questions, such as the effectiveness of covid-19 vaccinations, predicting flight and gas prices, understanding the skillsets required for data analysts by most industries and their associated salaries, or determining which cities or countries have a high demand for certain skills. Additionally, data analysis projects can provide insight into what people are discussing on platforms like Twitter. All these and others I haven’t mentioned can be answered using a data analysis project.

If you are unable to come up with a question that you would like to answer or an issue that you would like to address, proceed to the next step.

Find a dataset

Once you have identified the questions, explore datasets related to your field of interest to provide answers. If nothing comes to mind, start by exploring datasets related to your field of interest and formulating questions from it. There are many sources for public datasets, including open-source databases and repositories, government and university websites, and industry associations.

There are plenty of sources that offer public datasets such as:

1. Kaggle Datasets: Kaggle is a popular platform for data science projects and competitions, and it has an extensive library of datasets available for analysis.

2. Government Sources: Governments around the world provide open access to their data sets, making them ideal sources for research projects. The US government provides access to many datasets through Data.gov, while other countries may have similar offerings from their own governments or universities.

3. Academic Resources: Universities often publish data sets associated with academic research in various fields such as economics, sociology, and medicine. Many of these are free to use and can be found on university websites or online repositories like Harvard Dataverse or the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR).

4. Open Source Projects: Open source software projects often include sample datasets that can be used by developers or researchers who want to experiment with new algorithms or techniques without having to create their own dataset from scratch. For example, Apache Spark includes several sample datasets that are useful for testing out machine learning algorithms on distributed systems like Hadoop clusters

You can also scrape your own data or use publicly available APIs.

Web scraping is the process of extracting data from websites. It involves using a program or script to collect information from webpages, such as HTML code, text, images and other media. Web scraping can be used to gather large amounts of data quickly and easily. Tools that can be used for web scraping include web crawlers, HTML parsers, and data extraction tools.

API stands for Application Programming Interface. It is a set of programming instructions and standards that allow two applications to communicate with each other. APIs are used to access data from external sources, such as databases or web services, in order to display information on a website or application. For example, you can use an API to retrieve weather forecasts from a third-party service and display them on your own website or app.

Write your questions

Before you can begin to analyze your data, you need to have clear questions in mind. Writing down the questions that you would like to answer with the data will help to guide your exploration and analysis.

For example, if you are researching how television viewing habits have changed over the past decade, you might ask questions such as:

-What percentage of households watch television each day?

-Which age groups watch the most television?

-What genres of programming are most popular?

-What type of content do viewers prefer: broadcast TV or streaming services?

-Has the number of hours spent watching television increased or decreased over the past decade?

Asking questions and defining objectives for your research is an important step when doing data analytics. Make sure that you have well-defined questions before you begin to explore and analyze your data.

Explore, transform, and clean your data

Exploring data is the process of getting to know your dataset .Once you’ve explored your data, it’s time to start transform and clean it. This may include converting values into a consistent format, combining multiple datasets into one, removing duplicate records, and dealing with missing values.

These are some of the thing you may want to do to prepare your data for analysis:

1. Start by exploring the data and understanding its structure, values, and any potential issues or inconsistencies. Examining the number of rows and columns in a dataset, identifying which variables are numeric and which are categorical. Remove any irrelevant columns that are not useful for your analysis because they don’t help answer your questions and you will have a more clean and precise dataset.

2. Identify areas of missing or invalid data and determine how to handle them (e.g., imputation, removal). Finding records with blank values or incorrect formats (e.g., strings instead of numbers).

These are some of the things you can do:

Remove null values or replace them with zero.

Replace null values with some central value like mean, median or mode.

In order to do that the data should be missing completely at random (MCAR).

  • Mean- When the data is numeric and not skewed.
  • Median-When the data is numeric and skewed.
  • Mode-When the data is an object or numeric.

3. Check for outliers in the dataset and decide whether to remove them or keep them as part of the analysis.

Check for outliers: identify some outliers. Whether you decide to remove the outliers, keep them or transform them it is always a good idea to check for outliers. Since they may indicate bad data or may influence your findings.

Scatter plot and box plot are the most preferred graphs to observe outliers.

4. Clean up text fields such as names, addresses, etc., using regular expressions or other methods depending on your needs. Replacing special characters, removing extra whitespace, converting all letters to lowercase/uppercase as needed using regular expressions or other tools/libraries available for this purpose.

5. Convert categorical variables into numerical ones where necessary so that they can be used in further analysis steps (e.g., one-hot encoding). Encoding nominal categories such as gender (male/female) into binary values (0/1).

Make sure the formatting is uniform for the data set. For example, some values in a column may have different currency from one another or some numbers are separated by a comma.

Moreover, some variables may need to be transformed. For example: if you want to find out the relationship between happiness and income and you have each country’s data, you may want to categorize then in to their specific continent.

6. Standardize values across columns to ensure consistency (e.g., formatting dates/times). Ensuring that all dates have the same format across different datasets by reformatting them from one standard to another (e.g., YYYY-MM-DD to MM-DD-YYYY).

7. Verify accuracy of all changes made before saving any results from the cleaned dataset(s). Running tests on the cleaned dataset(s) to ensure that any changes made were correct and did not introduce new errors into the analysis results before saving them permanently

Answer your questions: Choose your methodology

Once your data has been thoroughly explored, transformed, and cleaned, it’s ready for analysis and visualization. This is an important part of the data analysis process and requires a lot of thought. Before you start, make sure that you understand the questions that you want to answer with your analysis.

Choose the right type of visualization for your dataset.

When it comes to visualizing data, it is important to choose the right type of visualization for your dataset. Different types of datasets require different types of graphs, tables, or figures in order to effectively communicate the information. For example, if you are looking at a large amount of numerical data with multiple variables that need to be compared against each other, then a bar graph or line graph may be most appropriate. If you are dealing with categorical data and want to show how many items fall into each category, then a pie chart could be used instead. Additionally, if you have time-based data and would like to track changes over time then an area chart might work best. It’s also important to consider the audience when selecting which type of visualization will convey your message most clearly; visuals can often help people understand complex topics more easily than text alone can do. Ultimately, choosing the right type of visualization for your dataset is essential in order for your message or story about the data come across successfully!

Analyze the dataset.

There are different methods of analysis that you can use depending on the type of data that you have and the questions that you want to answer. Basically, when it comes to data analysis, there are five main types of analysis. These are:

Exploratory analysis is used to explore and understand a dataset, identify patterns, trends and relationships between variables, or gain insights into the data. Exploratory analysis can be done through visualizing data using graphs or tables, summarizing the data using descriptive statistics such as mean, median and mode; or finding correlations between different variables in the dataset. For example, if you have a dataset containing customer demographics such as age and gender along with purchase history information like product type and quantity purchased then exploratory analysis can help you find out which age group buys more of certain products than others.

Predictive analysis is a type of data analysis that uses historical data to predict future trends and behaviors. It can be used in any data analytics project to identify patterns, correlations, and trends within the dataset to generate predictions about future outcomes.

Descriptive analysis is a type of data analysis that uses descriptive statistics to summarize and describe the data. It can be used to identify patterns, trends, and relationships between variables in a dataset. For example, if you have customer demographic information such as age and gender along with purchase history information like product type and quantity purchased then descriptive analysis can help you find out which age group buys more of certain products than others.

Diagnostic analysis is a type of data analysis that uses diagnostic methods to identify the root cause of problems or issues in a dataset. It can be used to determine why certain trends, patterns, and relationships exist within the data. For example, if you have customer purchase history information such as product type and quantity purchased then diagnostic analysis can help you figure out why customers are buying more of one product than another.

Prescriptive analysis is a type of data analysis that uses predictive analytics and diagnostic techniques to suggest recommendations or solutions to problems identified in the dataset. It can be used in any data analytics project to identify patterns, correlations, and trends within the dataset then generate predictions about future outcomes as well as recommend solutions for issues found in the dataset. For example, if you have customer purchase history information such as product type and quantity purchased then prescriptive analysis can help you forecast how much of each product will be sold over the next few months and suggest ways to increase sales for certain products.

Finally, make sure that you document every step in the process so that you can refer back to it later if needed. Documenting every step will ensure that your project is reproducible, which is essential if you want to be able to use it in other projects.

Present your findings

Now that you’ve worked your way through the process of doing a data analysis project, it’s time to present your findings. Start by summarizing your findings in a few sentences, and then break it down into more detail. Make sure to include visuals to illustrate key points, as this will make your results easier to understand. You can use charts, graphs and tables to help get your message across. If possible, try to focus on what the audience wants to hear — don’t just dump a ton of numbers on them!

When presenting your results, explain the meaning behind them. For example, if you’re looking at customer spending, don’t just give out the numbers — explain why it’s important, what it means for the business, and how it can be used to make better decisions in the future.

Finally, remember to emphasize any insights or actions that you discovered from your analysis. Show how the data can be used to inform decision making and create strategies for the future.

Following these steps will ensure that your presentation is clear and organized while allowing those viewing it to understand your findings and take action accordingly.

Overall, completing a project is quite straightforward and there are plenty of resources available to help you. These include websites such as GitHub, Medium, Tableau Public, Kaggle and more. By studying how others have approached projects in the past you can gain valuable insights into best practices.

Good luck!



Nardos Solomon - Data Analyst @ UMASS-BOSTON

I write on topics related to Data Science and Economics. I also share my personal experiences. Hope you find my insights helpful:)